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Why Wine Tastes Better in a Thin Glass

Did you know that the whole wine-drinking experience can be affected by such factors as the type of wine you’re drinking and even the glass you’re using? Yes, wine connoisseurs agree that specific glasses work better for certain types of wine. For instance, a Burgundy glass is perfect for distinctive red wines, while Chardonnay glasses are better for certain white wines.

Others also claim that wine tastes better in a thin glass. Does the thickness of a wine glass contribute to one’s perception of the taste of the wine? Read on and find out:

The Shape and Size of Your Wine Glass

Wine glasses are made up of different parts: the foot, the stem, the bowl, and the rim. These parts come together to create the standard wine glass. Of course, there are variations of this, depending on the type of wine glass you have. There’s one common denominator, though – their thinness.

A wine glass needs to be thin for it to be a good wine glass. A thick wine glass is often regarded as cheap and of poor quality. On the other hand, thin glasses are seen as sophisticated, elegant, and premium. Of course, you can only get the beautiful clinking sound when you tap thin wine glasses together.

Crystal wine glasses can be made extremely thin, especially around the glass rim, offering a very luxurious drinking experience. Crystal glasses are made with minerals that help make them durable despite their thinness. Other wine glasses can still be made thin even if they’re not as thin, and some even have a “lip” on their rim. These glasses are still fairly thin but also dishwasher-safe and much less expensive than crystal wine glasses.

How Does a Wine Glass Affect the Taste of Wine?

Not many realize that wine’s taste is affected mainly by the shape and size of the glass. How does this happen? Take, for instance, the surface area within the bowl affects the aeration and oxidation of the wine, which could enhance the flavors and aromas. That’s why there are specific glasses for specific wines.

In particular, aromas play a massive role in enhancing the taste of wine. There’s a reason you must smell the wine first before tasting it. If you cannot smell the wine’s aroma, you miss half of the experience.

Does the Thinness of the Glass Really Affect the Taste of Wine?

Here’s the thing. Thinness does not actually contribute to the actual taste of the wine. That said, there are reasons people say wine tastes better in a thin wine glass. For one, it’s because the thinner the rim, the smoother the transition of wine from the wine glass to the mouth. This adds to that luxurious feeling that comes from drinking from a thin wine glass. So what the thinness of a wine glass actually enhances is not the taste of the wine per se but the drinking experience.

Part of the reason people say wine tastes better in a thin wine glass is psychological. If you are drinking from a crystal red wine glass, for instance, you are already thinking that it’s a high-quality glass and, therefore, a high-quality wine.

So, Do You Need the Thinnest Wine Glass to Enjoy Your Drink?

Well, not really. It probably makes more sense to focus on the shape and size of your glass instead of the thinness. And as a business, it also matters more that you invest in unbreakable wine glasses.

Govino UK can supply you with different unbreakable wine glasses for your business. Check out our lightweight, durable, and flexible glassware today!

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